Agency: Grey

Client: Norton Security


Delivered: Documentary film, movie premiere assets, marketing materials, Instagram launch, full digital and paid social campaign, website

Norton Security experts find a million new pieces of malware, scammers and hackers every day. The problem is so large their anti-hacking team (STARR) has locations around the world so they can monitor criminal activity 24/7 and deal with major issues like Stuxnet. After hearing about this insane mission from our clients, the team at Grey knew we had to talk to them. About ten minutes into our interview a STARR member said, “In the world of the Internet you can’t avoid bad neighborhoods. They come to you.” That’s all we needed to hear to create Norton’s entire new brand campaign and documentary series called: The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet.

Below is the 60: trailer.

The film is a 22-minute documentary we created that features real life hackers, scammers and the people that fight against them. The story features a town in Romania nicknamed "Hackerville" that made over 1 billion dollars last year in cybercrime and is also responsible for hacking NASA, The Pentagon, The Royal Navy, Google, Hilary Clinton, and the Bush family. The entire film is below.

Our film quickly drew international attention and was featured on Hulu, and became #1 on iTunes Film and TV. The main character we use for key art is an imprisoned hacker named “Guccifer.” His name is a mix of Gucci and Lucifer. Fun guy. He is serving 7 years for hacking the Clinton’s and is the reason Hillary got investigated for having an illegal server in her house.

During premiere week we created movie posters and a PR box for film critics and social influencers in Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and New York. 

The PR box included a complete set of character profiles, a postcard from Hackerville and an infographic fold out about hacking.

The PR box included a complete set of character profiles, a postcard from Hackerville and an infographic fold out about hacking.

We backed our film with an online campaign that consisted of a website design, banners, social media content and partnership programs. Below is the website that tied our film to our Norton Security products.

Here are a few of our digital drivers.

We also created Norton’s first Instagram account and used 15-second character clips from the movie to create an interactive poster. Each tile gave visitors a small peek into the world of cybercrime.