Agency: Grey

Client: Salt Institute

Delivered: Tweet enabled saltshakers, character development, social campaign, online video. 

Salt is a necessary element for life, but conversations about it in the press and on social media for the last decade have been brutally negative. And even though there is no scientific evidence salt is bad for people's health, the FDA proposed a new regulation that would lump it next to calories and trans fats on restaurant menus. So we decided to shake things up against Washington’s policy makers and expose the truth in a very unexpected way by creating social media enabled TweetShakers, and a mysterious old sailor named Olde Salty.

To get our social campaign going we took ordinary saltshakers and added hidden, bluetooth-enabled bases that activated a twitter account every time they were shook. We called them Tweetshakers. We then snuck our secret inventions into restaurants in the Washington area so every time someone used a dash of salt at lunch, they helped spread the real facts about salt to local politicians. 

To this day no one knows the actual location of the Tweetshakers and the FDA has yet to pass the salt regulation.

Next we gave salt a more direct and unexpected voice on social media. His name was Olde Salty, and he turned the tide of negative salt comments into a positive social media conversation for the first time in over a decade.

The Olde Salty campaign consisted of online videos, social posts & conversations, newspaper and Instagram posts. Our campaign gave The Salt Institute the highest positive social awareness in the history of salt, and was featured in business articles, news channels and industry publications.